Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Boring, but enough to excite me

So, I've told you all before that I can't sew. Yes, I can make bags but I don't really know how to sew. I secretly started practicing shirring a few weeks ago thinking that I would come here and surprise you all with a fabulous shirring project. Not so much.

When I posted some peasant dresses last week, Jona mentioned that I should try shirring instead of casing. I didn't want to admit to her that I was still practicing a basic skill like shirring. Seriously, two months ago, I didn't even know elastic thread existed. So, I'm home alone with Matea tonight and after watching "Curious George" together and eating popcorn, I decided it was time to spend quality time with her in my craft room. I sat at my sewing table to whip up a little top for her and she sat at the computer and practiced her typing.

I was feeling good about my shirring, even more pleased that my project was moving along so quickly, when I heard a crash. I turned around to find my hot iron on the floor and Matea hanging like a monkey off of the freakin ironing board! I'm so thankful she wasn't burned and I definitely learned my lesson. I do believe I officially am out of the running now for Mother of the Year 2008.

Anyway, here's the kind of boring result of my first shirring/child neglect project. I'm pleased with it because a) I really do think it looks nice and not "homemade" b) I used clearance fabric so it probably cost around $2 and c) It only took about 20 minutes, including almost-burned-ironing-board-monkey-hanging reaction time.

Lastly, yes, I know she's almost two and she's hanging out with her paci. After some tense negotiation, it was made clear that she would only stand still for the pics if she had her paci and Elmo.


Jona Giammalva said...

It's darling!!! I just love the ruffly look of shirring.

Hey, I just tried shirring for the first time last summer. I was so scared of it I put it off and then was kicking myself because it's so easy.

Marie said...

I feel totally out of the loop because I can't even picture how you would shir and make the peasant top out of it. I can kind of see it in the pics, but am curious as to how it's done. I'm an instant gratification kind of girl, so this sounds interesting. I might have to give it a try. From what I can see, it looks really cute. And Matea is sooo adorable! :)

Jen Patrick- Roxybonds Creates said...

That is adorable!

Keeley Kirwan said...

I love it Kelci...very pretty!! See you can teach old dogs new tricks...hehehe...ok so I am older than you but you know what I mean. LOL!!

Kristi said...

Cuteness! And I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that has to bribe my children...