Not only do I love the fabric and style of this bag, I think it's a perfect size for either a mom of two young ones or a mom of a newborn who still has to carry around a ton of stuff. I think i used the last of the little birdie fabric on this one so if you love it, this is your last chance.
And don't forget about your chance to win a free bag from Crafty Mama. You can see details a few posts down or check my Etsy shop home page. Every purchase between now and 12/31 qualifies you so feel free to burn your Christmas money with me:)
I had grand plans to get as much sewing done as possible this weekend so I could relax a little next week. But Crafty Mama and Crafty Papa went to his work party last night and Crafty Papa is a bit under the weather this morning, if you know what I mean, so I don't know if I'll be able to get away from the Crafty Children. I decided not to wear the ugly Walmart fabric shirt I made myself but instead wore some ginormous earrings I got on clearance at Walmart for $4. I also wore my "fancy" glasses which are shiny, coppery metal frames, rather than my usual plastic everyday

How could you NOT have beautiful daughters with all that gorgeous DNA?? Now it all makes sense! What a great looking couple you both make!
Have a wonderful Christmas Kelci!!
You look stunning!
Wow, you should change your names to Sexy Momma and Sexy Papa!
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