Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sneak peek for Kristi

Or is it peak? I don't really care. What do you think this item is?

Oooooo, and yes, that is a metal stud eye that I set with the Bedazzler my mom gave me for Christmas. Thank you for noticing.


Kristi said...

I have no idea what that is, but that fabric is dang cute!

Andrea said...

I love that birdie!!! He is cute! Is it on a bag? Oh, I'm using my asian print bag. I'm putting my sugar skulls to rest. I've gotten compliments on it already!

Shanna (aka sjl202) said...

Cute, cute lil birdee! Maybe he will poop on the non-birdee people! LOL!

My guess is a book . . too flat and straight to be anything else, right? Or maybe she hadn't put whatever it is together yet??? And just finished the bird to show everyone??? Hum . . . good one!

Kelci said...

A book? Huh? Are you drunk in the middle of the day at work. I can confirm it is not a book.

Shanna (aka sjl202) said...

Hey . . . it could be a recipe book cover woman! That is considered a BOOK!

And drunk at work?? I might get more done that way . . hum!

Kristi said...

Hey! I got mail yesterday! Go look at my blog! ;)