Saturday, January 26, 2008

What you think?

Whipped up this little peasant dress for Matea tonight and thought I'd ask for some feedback from my loyal and honest readers. I'm thinking about making several of these for the boutique, some in cute juvenile prints and some in more sophisticated styles like the currently popular bold scrolls and maybe Heather Bailey's Freshcut.

Here's what I like about it...1. It's super quick and easy for me to make with one exception. It's not based on a pattern so I'm kind of free handing the sizes based on Matea's clothes. Not the best method and definitely needs some fine tuning. Although I will say, I shot for a size 12-18 months on my first attempt and I think it fits her really well. 2. It seems to be comfortable for the Tater. She was running around and twirling and didn't try to yank it off like she sometimes does with dressier clothes. And 3. Overall, I just like the design. Sweet and simple.

So, here are my questions for you. Do you like it? Would you pay about $25 for it if you loved the pattern? Should I add ties on the side that make a bow in the back? (I though about doing this but I kind of like the idea of leaving it loose and free flowing. I'm anti-restrictive clothing for little ones).


mommy-2-Brayden said...

Very cute dress. She looks beutiful. I think holiday prints would sell well. I also think a few with character print accents might be cute as well. With the type of store you selling in I think you could get $25 for them. If I was you I would make up a few and see how they sell. Since it's a store that most people go to for baby gear I would stick with smaller sizes to begin with. Or how about matching sister outfit?? Ok just rambling now. LOL Good luck. Your stuff is fantastic!!


lena rushing said...

LOVE IT. seriously, i do. well worth $25 to people like me who don't sew. i think this style is just pefect for little pumpkins tay tay size but i would love to see it w/ the ribbon that ties in the back for bellas age. ooooh, it would be sooooo cute in colorful polka dots ( : or girlie girlie flowers. hurry,get to sewing, i want to see more!

Tonya said...

I'm a new reader, but thought I would chime in with my opinion.

I think the dress is really cute, I love simple clothing for children. I make lots of little sheath dresses for my two year old and find that the more modern and "adult" the print, the more favorable comments I get. Of course, I don't really care for "children's" fabric unless it is vintagey looking. I would make several in children's fabric and several in the modern fabrics and see which sells better. Also, I think $25 is a very reasonable price. anyway, good luck, what an awesome opportunity!

Jen Patrick- Roxybonds Creates said...

That is too stinkin cute!

Jona Giammalva said...

That is really darling. I think Tonya makes a great point. When you use fabrics in kids clothes that are a little unexpected it's definitely more eye (and money) catching.
I think the pattern is perfect, simple and sweet (the ties are a good idea on bigger girls, like Lena said). I have a pattern that is very similar (and would save you the effort of having to figure out the other sizes), let me know if you want the #.

Keeley Kirwan said...

Kelci that is totally adorable. I like Cindy's point of making some as matching sister fun. I can't wait to see more!!

Julia Ladewski said...

LOVE IT! totally cute for V-day.... got one in 9 month size?? ;)