Tuesday, September 29, 2009


For now.

I think.

We accepted an offer on our house today. Much lower than what we had hoped for, but we're so ready to move on and tired of feeling like we're in limbo. We're supposed to close escrow in two weeks. TWO WEEKS! One more time...two freakin weeks! We wrote the deal to allow up to three weeks but the buyer wants to get in as soon as possible and is paying with cash so we can wrap this puppy up quickly. We found a great rental house today and are hoping to get the approval soon.

So, it looks like we need to start packing. Of course there's a chance the buyer could cancel when she finds out that we temporarily had a tree house but we're trying to think positively. By next Monday, we should know whether she's happy with the inspection report, and we can put down a deposit on our cute new rental. It's an old 1950's house with tons of charm and a room perfect for play and sewing.

Keep your fingers crossed that the next few weeks go smoothly and the deal doesn't fall through. I'm going to leave my shop open for the next week or so but won't be listing anything new. I have a few custom orders that I'll get finished up asap but otherwise, Crafty Mama will be Moving Mama for the next few weeks.

***I'll offer 20% off current listings with the code "moving" in the notes to seller field.


Keeley Kirwan said...

OMG...Congrats. How Exciting!!

Jen Patrick- Roxybonds Creates said...

SO excited for you!!!!!
Good luck with it all!!!