Monday, June 8, 2009

New shop addition?

My ever-practical husband is often reminding me that my $600 camera shouldn't really be tossed in my purse along with stray Cheerios and boogie covered baby wipes. Since I've been feeling extra creative and motivated lately, I decided to make myself a camera bag today.

I looked all over Etsy and Google for an e-pattern or at least some kind of inspiration but couldn't find anything at all so I just went for it. And I'm really pleased.

I actually took the time to measure carefully, note my dimensions on each piece, and really put in the effort to make sure that if I was happy with the end result, I could create it again. This is very unlike me. I usually just like to dive in and then be disappointed when it doesn't turn out how I (didn't) planned.

I wanted something simple. Just a bag to throw your camera and battery charger into. Something small so you could easily wear it along with your purse or diaper bag while on family outings. Something fun and funky and not black. I think I got what I was going for.

The outside is hard...well, it's fabric but behind the fabric is hard. The inside is soft flannel lined with a heavy fleece. So lots and lots of padding and protection. I went with the button closure because it seems so much easier than the buckle type things on most bags.

I initially planned to just make this bag for myself but after looking for a pattern or inspiration on Etsy, I realized this seems to be a missing piece in the bag market. So, I'm definitely planning to make a few more for my shop. No customs for larger needs at this time (really, out of spite toward the jerks who have the zoom lens I want), just some super cute simple camera bags. I'm thinking about $22.


Marie said...

So cute Kelci! Would you consider putting a little pocket for the lens cap inside the bag? I'm always losing that darn thing every time I (also) whip my camera out of my purse in the midst of snacks and sippy cups. I have also been trying to find a cute camera bag or googling an e-pattern for one, and I refuse to pay $50 + for one on etsy.

Brandy said...

Cute bag!

Just wanted you to know that I gave you the "Lovely Blog Award" :)

You can read about it here:

Jen Patrick- Roxybonds Creates said...

YES! Its fab!!!! If I had a big camera- i would buy one :)

Unknown said...

love the bag!

my roomate is THRILLED with her bag!
she won’t put it down!!!