Friday, March 7, 2008

Trunk Show

I think tonight's trunk show was a big success. I met a lot of "good to know" people and sold a whole bunch of stuff. And, I was really touched that my ladies from Curves, some preschool moms, my neighbors, my family, and my good friend, Lena (in the last picture) all came out to support me. It was really a great feeling to see all my stuff laid out nicely and hear people ooooo and ahhhhh over it.


Shana said...

Uh, it wouldn't let me post...try again.

So did you and Lena plan to coordinate colors? You looked fabulous and glad the show was a success...I saw more bags that I LOVE!!!

Jenni said...

I am so sad to have missed it! You look fabulous as do all of your bags. Wish I could have seen it all in person!! Congrats.

Jen Patrick- Roxybonds Creates said...

Awesome! I sooooo wanna come to the coast!!!

Shanna (aka sjl202) said...

Simply amazing! You looked great and so did your items! Wish I could have been there!!!

Keeley Kirwan said...

Wow looked fabulous and so did your items...they were laid out very nicely. Wish we could have shopped in person!! Glad it was a success!!