Monday, April 27, 2009

Itchin' to Quilt

I'm not really a big quilter but I keep daydreaming about making a small quilt for my living room. We have dark leather furniture and I think a quilt hanging over the back of the couch could brighten things up a bit and I also like to spend a sizable portion of my day cuddled up in the recliner with a blanket no matter how hot it is.

I have a few problems. First, I already have an unfinished quilt. And by "unfinished", I mean a quilt top that I started 8 years ago that has traveled with me now to three different homes. I was still newlywed-ish and childless when I made it and had no idea that once I had kids, all hope of completing anything that takes longer than an hour or two is gone. I have the fabric to finish it but honestly, I don't even remember how to make it anymore.

After pulling it out for pics, I realized it's the perfect size for my little baby ladies. I think I may just finish it and give it to them. Actually, I'll hold a contest. Whoever can go 5 minutes without asking me for something will be the winner.

My other problem is choosing fabric for my new quilt. I'm going with a really easy pattern in order to increase my odds of actually finishing it. My house is earthy colors with the livingroom and attached playroom being mostly brown, green, and blue.

So, these would coordinate well with the room...

But these are so fun an girly and calling my name.

Thoughts? Would it look weird to have a bright, funky, girly quilt right in the middle of my sad and boring living room? Should I be more realistic and not even start because I probably won't finish?

On a totally unrelated note, look at this handsome man I get to wake up to every morning. My boss was nice enough to give me this Saturday off for no reason at all and it was so nice to spend the day with him. The kids too, but mostly him. I get to see them all week long but I miss seeing Crafty Papa on the weekends so I really appreciated my time with him.


Beth said...

I love to quilt, so maybe I'm the wrong person to ask - but I say GO FOR IT! I think people don't finish projects not because of lack of time, but because of lack of interest. So pick fabric you LOVE regardless of it "matching" and you'll be more inspired to finish. (that's what works for me, at least!)
Good luck!

T@iy@ said...

I say pick what you want! It is your house, your couch, and your time taken up to make the quilt! I am definitely feeling some of those fabrics, though... hmm... I might have to hit the The Google and check some of those out... Good luck on your project!

Jen Patrick- Roxybonds Creates said...

Wow, who knew you could get BG fabric???? I really like the first one- seems very you!

Shanna (aka sjl202) said...

Since I have BEEN to your house (and would love to come back really soon) . . I would say Sultry and Eva could SO go on your couch and be fine w/ the rest of your stuff! Can't wait to see the finished product!