Thursday, August 6, 2009

One Christmas Gift Down, Many To Go

I ignored all housework and dressing of children this morning to finish Bella's quilt.

Overall, I'm very happy with how it turned out. I wish the camera could pick up how soft and crinkly it is in person. Bella saw me working on the quilt but didn't get to see the finished product and has no idea that it's for her. I'll be packing it away so she won't see it again until Christmas morning. We were talking about the quilt and I made the grave mistake of asking for her opinion. She said she really loved the pink but didn't like the quilt very much because there were some fabrics in it she really didn't like. Well, joke's on her. Merry Christmas to you, little turd.

I don't know what I was thinking making a twin size quilt. I really wish I would have stuck with my original plan to make them throw quilts. I pictured the three of us all cuddled up on the couch, each with our own quilts. But theirs will be far too big for them to drag around. I guess I didn't realize just how big a twin size quilt would be.

So, now I don't really know what to do. Go ahead and make Tatey a twin size so she gets the same size as Bella even though I think it's too big? Try to sell Bella's and start fresh with a smaller quilt? Give it to Crafty Papa and tell him I think pink is his color?


Jen Patrick- Roxybonds Creates said...

I love it! It really turned out great!

Tonya said...

"merry Christmas to you, little turd"

I am literally crying LOL over that! You are so funny ! I am sure she will love it when she gets it for Christmas. It is beautiful and so girly : ) I love the white sashing.

Devon said...


kbloems27 said...

It is really beautiful! I am thinking I would like to give quilting a try, I have made baby quilts but that was with A LOT of help from my mom.

Keeley Kirwan said...

Kelci that is absolutely gorgeous!! Way to go!!

tscrapper said...

Looks great! I love how it turned out w/ the white.

Marie said...

That quilt is awesome! I wouldn't sell's so pretty!

Jona Giammalva said...

I don't care what she says, the little turd is going to love it when she realizes it's hers! I think you should make a twin size one for little Tater so they can have matching beds!