Monday, February 18, 2008

I have a new job...sorta

...kinda...ok, not really. Let me break it down for you. The Crafty Family has never really been able to afford for me to be a stay at home mom. But, it was really important to us so we've just done our best to make it work. Well, our best isn't good enough anymore and Crafty Mama was looking at getting a part time evening/weekend job. After much discussion, we decided that it would be better for me to continue putting my efforts in Crafty Mama Creations since I really do enjoy creating my items and there seems to be a market for one of a kind handmade items.

So, in order to help me think of this as more of a job than a hobby that brings in a few hundred bucks, we've come up with a work schedule for me. If all goes as planned, you'll be seeing lots of new items from me, possibly several per day; my friend Jona and her fabric shop, Fabritopia, will benefit from me needing to buy more fabric:); and I can bring in a little more income and avoid having to stock shelves at the local grocery store at night.

So, all that being said, I whipped up two new bags tonight that I'll be posting tomorrow morning. One is my "grandpa bag" featuring a vibrant green fabric. More on that tomorrow. The second is a handbag that is fantabulous! Heather Bailey, crochet trim, bamboo handles, and chocolate brown velvet ribbon. Let the stalking begin.


Kristi said...

Can't wait to see the new stuff! Sounds like you have a good plan. Definitely making mental notes for myself...I don't want to do any grocery stocking, either.

Jona Giammalva said...

I'm so glad Crafty Papa has given you wings to fly! I had to beg (and I mean beg) for years to be allowed to do anything but wipe butts and fold laundry.
I can't wait to see all the new things you have planned! I'm sure you can make a big difference for your family.